CoMotion MIAMI ’25: April 29-30, 2025 │ AI Center, Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus


Sam Baker

Sam Baker is the COO and co-founder of Wunder Mobility, helping cities and companies around the globe to plan, develop and deploy safer, more efficient transport solutions faster than ever before.

After graduating from Santa Clara University, Sam started his career at Ebay supporting executive decision-making for a complex network of international subsidiaries and strategic acquisitions. He lived in Central America where he led a project funded by the Mastercard Foundation to launch innovative financial products for youth.

When he returned to California, Sam joined the Just Business (JB) venture capital firm as a partner investing in socially impactful businesses. He also served on the board of directors for Squarebar, an organic protein bar company. Additionally, Sam is an active startup investor and nonprofit advisor.



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