CoMotion 2024: May 6-7 │ AI Center, Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus


Lili Rudis

Lilija Rudis is a Principal at Via, the leading developer and operator of on-demand transit systems. Lilija joined Via in 2015 as a member of the Chicago launch team and spent two years optimizing on-demand transit in her hometown. As a Principal on the Business Development team, she now works with cities, public transit agencies, and private transit operators to identify opportunities for on-demand transit to improve mobility in communities of all shapes and sizes.
Prior to Via, Lilija worked as a researcher at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development while studying city planning at UC Berkeley. She has also worked as a corporate social responsibility consultant and as the Director of Sustainability and Operations at a Chicago-based technology consultancy.
Lilija holds an MCP from UC Berkeley and a BS in Environmental Engineering from Yale University.



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