CoMotion MIAMI ’25: April 29-30, 2025 │ AI Center, Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus


Karen Vancluysen

Karen Vancluysen was appointed as Secretary General of the Polis network in September 2014, after having been the network’s Research Director for 8 years. Polis is the leading European network of cities and regions on urban transport innovation. Since 1989, members have been working together to develop sustainable and innovative urban mobility solutions for the city of today and tomorrow. The network also engages in debates around topical issues such as active travel, shared mobility services, MaaS, automated transport, electromobility and innovative governance approaches. Prior to joining Polis in 2004, Karen was Network Manager at ACCESS-EUROCITIES for a New Mobility Culture and project manager at Langzaam Verkeer, a Belgian centre for mobility management. Since 1998, she has been involved in European urban transport networking and policy activities and many EU research and innovation projects covering a wide range of urban mobility topics.



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